Thursday, February 28, 2008


Another new article on the front page of CH! I must work there or something.

Czech it out.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Movies I Want to See, As Inspired By the Oscars and the Past 6 Months

3:10 to Yuma
No Country for Old Men
Michael Clayton
There Will Be Blood
Darjeeling Unlimited
Eastern Promises
Be Kind, Rewind
Last King of Scotland
Sweeney Todd
The Valley of Eli

Friday, February 22, 2008

This was my dream last night, as much as I can remember

It starts off at the end of another dream. I'm in middle school, and a girl not very different from the Icebox (Little Giants) picks me up and throws me across a gym. I sail through the air, laughing hysterically, and crash into the gym teacher's office door. I feel my two front teeth, and the one that always breaks has once again broken. I look on the ground to find the missing piece, only to find a bunch of almonds.

SUDDENLY, I'm in the TV show Lost. I've never seen Lost. I'm the main character, the one who used to be a doctor. I think his name is Jack? The one Matthew Fox plays. Anyway, I'm him, and the girl he has a crush on or whatever found a Bible, and we're all trying to translate it. So I decide to put all the words in my mouth. Mind you, not the book itself, or the pages, but just the words are in my mouth. I think this was a great idea. The fat guy yells at me, and I get embarrassed and swallow all the words, which for some reason felt like I was swallowing hair.

Then my dream ended. The end.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Thoughts on New York

I love New York.  City.  Coming from the stagnant, boring suburbs and malls of New Jersey into the towering heights of New York's edifices leaves me in awe every morning as I climb the staircase out of New York Penn Station onto the loud, dirty, and alive Seventh Avenue.  I spent the first two years of my life in Manhattan, and the rest of my formative years just miles away from the island.  As long as I can remember, I've always loved New York, and I've never been able to say why.  I think now that I've been going in three days a week for the past month and a half or so, I am a little closer to understanding my infatuation.  It has something to do with the amount of... everything, I guess.  The amount of people, of commerce, of architecture, of design, of technology, of culture, of variety, of everything!  Sometimes I stop to think of what I am in, witnessing, being a part of, and I find myself coming back to reality ten minutes later.  It's refreshing.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


So I've decided to stop ignoring this.  Look for more posts soon!  And to all my faithful readers out there- Hi Lisa!