Sunday, May 25, 2008

I'm tumblng now!

Thursday, April 3, 2008


"We're about to have more subscribers on YouTube than Al Jazeera."
-Dan Gurewitch, 2:30pm

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sara Bareilles is a Jerk

Hey Sara! How are you doing? Good, good. Listen, can I talk to you for just a second? It's about us, I- well, I feel this relationship has gotten a little one-sided. I'm really putting myself out there for you, and I just feel like there's no reciprocation. I'm not asking for much, I know you've got your music career and that's a big, big responsibility, I understand that. But, take last week for example, when I rented out that movie theater to surprise you with "10 Things I Hate About You"? That's your favorite movie. You left halfway through because you didn't like the popcorn, and you didn't even say thanks or anything. Heath Ledger hadn't even serenaded her from the bleachers yet. It's really expensive to rent out a movie theater, you know. But I did it because I love you, you're worth it. And last month, the whole thing with the dinner I made. You went out to get a bottle of wine and came back with Burger King, that's just a big slap in the face to me. But that's the past. I'm not that upset, you did what you did, and I know you do love me, even when you don't say it. But do you think that maybe you could show me a little more? Oh, just anything. Could you write a little song for us or something? Nothing like a single for the radio or anything, just a little ditty for us, that'd be nice.

...1 week later...

I’m not gonna write you a love song
’cause you asked for it
’cause you need one, you see

Hardly Interns

New J&A! I kind of helped with this one! I had an idea and passed it on to Jake and Amir and they took it and made it this. Sweetness! It's widescreen so it won't really fit here, so click that link above to go to CH and check it out.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008

Keep on rollin', baby

I did this at work today, no big deal.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Dingalingaling, dingalingalingaling

I'm writing a movie script.  It is very loosely based on a long, unhappy, terribly miserable two weeks in my life when I worked as an ice cream man and made 27 dollars.  It's a comedy.

Speaking of which, do you know how I might be able to borrow an ice cream truck for two or three days?


I'm really liking the way my last semester is turning out, with the exception of a few minor things. Hopefully this is a sign of better things to come.

In other news, I checked my Google status again today and now I'm #9 on the first page. What's up with that?

Monday, March 3, 2008


I'm the #2 Google result for "Sean Curry"! Almost beating that hockey player.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Final Chapter

Chapter 9 of Street Fighter, the Later Years! It's awesome!

Click to Digg, then click to watch.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Another new article on the front page of CH! I must work there or something.

Czech it out.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Movies I Want to See, As Inspired By the Oscars and the Past 6 Months

3:10 to Yuma
No Country for Old Men
Michael Clayton
There Will Be Blood
Darjeeling Unlimited
Eastern Promises
Be Kind, Rewind
Last King of Scotland
Sweeney Todd
The Valley of Eli

Friday, February 22, 2008

This was my dream last night, as much as I can remember

It starts off at the end of another dream. I'm in middle school, and a girl not very different from the Icebox (Little Giants) picks me up and throws me across a gym. I sail through the air, laughing hysterically, and crash into the gym teacher's office door. I feel my two front teeth, and the one that always breaks has once again broken. I look on the ground to find the missing piece, only to find a bunch of almonds.

SUDDENLY, I'm in the TV show Lost. I've never seen Lost. I'm the main character, the one who used to be a doctor. I think his name is Jack? The one Matthew Fox plays. Anyway, I'm him, and the girl he has a crush on or whatever found a Bible, and we're all trying to translate it. So I decide to put all the words in my mouth. Mind you, not the book itself, or the pages, but just the words are in my mouth. I think this was a great idea. The fat guy yells at me, and I get embarrassed and swallow all the words, which for some reason felt like I was swallowing hair.

Then my dream ended. The end.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Thoughts on New York

I love New York.  City.  Coming from the stagnant, boring suburbs and malls of New Jersey into the towering heights of New York's edifices leaves me in awe every morning as I climb the staircase out of New York Penn Station onto the loud, dirty, and alive Seventh Avenue.  I spent the first two years of my life in Manhattan, and the rest of my formative years just miles away from the island.  As long as I can remember, I've always loved New York, and I've never been able to say why.  I think now that I've been going in three days a week for the past month and a half or so, I am a little closer to understanding my infatuation.  It has something to do with the amount of... everything, I guess.  The amount of people, of commerce, of architecture, of design, of technology, of culture, of variety, of everything!  Sometimes I stop to think of what I am in, witnessing, being a part of, and I find myself coming back to reality ten minutes later.  It's refreshing.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


So I've decided to stop ignoring this.  Look for more posts soon!  And to all my faithful readers out there- Hi Lisa!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

First Article!

First article on CollegeHumor!

A Tale of Two Sodas

Check it out, Like it, Digg it even, if you're feeling a little crazy...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Digg Me!

I'm way late, I know (waaaaay late), but I have recently discovered the wonderful bliss of This thing is awesome.

Check me out.

...Yeah, that's it.

Friday, January 11, 2008

If you're feeling a little self-important... the link below to find out just how mind-bogglingly insignificant you, and the rest of humanity, actually are.

Largest Known Star

Duhn Duhn Duhn Duhn, Duuhn DuhnDuhn Duuhn DuhnDuhn

I've never really been into Soul Caliber, or fighting games outside of Mortal Kombat II, but I think they just got a new customer.

Soul Caliber IV Trailer
(stick around till the end)

You might say I'm soul'd. That's a pun.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

This Really Happened to Me Today at the Checkout Line at Shoprite

Lady with gravely voice:  Excuse me, are there any C batteries on that shelf next to you?
Me:  Doesn't look like it, only AA.
Lady with gravely voice:  Ah, shit, there goes my date tonight.

And, scene.

Friday, January 4, 2008

My Thoughts on the Writers' Strike

The WGA strike continues, pressing on steadfastly in the face of unrelenting douchebaggery. As an aspiring comedy writer/filmmaker/general funny guy, I've been thinking a lot about it. Of course the writers deserve a fair dollar for their work, but there are a lot of people being peripherally affected by this strike: the actors, the cameramen, the secretaries, the janitors, etc. But there's one important issue that no one is addressing.

I graduate in May. AMPTP and WGA, please settle by then, as I'd like to be able to look for a job when I graduate college.


Signs of Addiction:
  • Change in activities; loss of interest in things that were important before.
  • Drop in school or work performance; skips or is late to school or work.
  • Changes in habits at home; loss of interest in family and family activities.
  • Unexplained silliness or giddiness.
  • Unexplained need for money; can't explain where money goes; stealing.
  • Change in personal grooming habits.
  • Irritability, sleep disturbances, anxiety and depression after stopping use.
  • A continuing strong desire to use.

It's official. I'm addicted to Peggle.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Telephone Phone Digits Number

I came across this while entering data at my temp job today:

I feel like I should blur out the numbers, but if someone actually wanted to call this number, where would they start? "770" or "404", or maybe skip some of them? It's not even as if they accidently just wrote the area code twice. Each sequence of digits is different. This baffles me.

Update (1/4/08):

Came across this today, too:

Do you think that there's just one person filling all these out? And that person has never used a phone before?

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Mucinex- No Longer "Da Bangins"

I got to work today and took my daily morning noseblast of that beauteous nasal fluid, Mucinex. I logged into my computer and began my morning internet routine- check Gmail, check feeds, Wikipedia something stupid I thought of on the way to work, and generally avoid doing what it is that I'm being paid to do. Twenty minutes later, right on cue, my nose was full of soft mucus membranes, ready to be ejected from my nostrils into the cold brown paper towel that would be their transport to the trash can of their inevitable demise. They ejected, and as I was folding up the paper towel to deposit in the trash can, I saw the slightest bit of red sticking out. I unfolded the napkin, to find those mucus membranes I wanted out of my body mixed up with a fluid I very much wanted to remain inside my body: blood. A lot of it. I threw away the towel and looked at the side of the Mucinex bottle:

Directions: Take two shots up each clogged nostril. (check) Repeat every 10-12 hours as needed. (check) Do not exceed more than twice within a 24-hour period. (check) Do not take for more than three days. (...uh oh)

Today is day... five? Six, maybe? Mucinex, you have betrayed me. No more shall you be the one to comfort my nasal passages in their snotty rush hour of need.

Happy New Year

Happy 2008, may it make 2007 look like crap. Looking better for me already.