Saturday, March 22, 2008

Sara Bareilles is a Jerk

Hey Sara! How are you doing? Good, good. Listen, can I talk to you for just a second? It's about us, I- well, I feel this relationship has gotten a little one-sided. I'm really putting myself out there for you, and I just feel like there's no reciprocation. I'm not asking for much, I know you've got your music career and that's a big, big responsibility, I understand that. But, take last week for example, when I rented out that movie theater to surprise you with "10 Things I Hate About You"? That's your favorite movie. You left halfway through because you didn't like the popcorn, and you didn't even say thanks or anything. Heath Ledger hadn't even serenaded her from the bleachers yet. It's really expensive to rent out a movie theater, you know. But I did it because I love you, you're worth it. And last month, the whole thing with the dinner I made. You went out to get a bottle of wine and came back with Burger King, that's just a big slap in the face to me. But that's the past. I'm not that upset, you did what you did, and I know you do love me, even when you don't say it. But do you think that maybe you could show me a little more? Oh, just anything. Could you write a little song for us or something? Nothing like a single for the radio or anything, just a little ditty for us, that'd be nice.

...1 week later...

I’m not gonna write you a love song
’cause you asked for it
’cause you need one, you see

Hardly Interns

New J&A! I kind of helped with this one! I had an idea and passed it on to Jake and Amir and they took it and made it this. Sweetness! It's widescreen so it won't really fit here, so click that link above to go to CH and check it out.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Monday, March 17, 2008

Keep on rollin', baby

I did this at work today, no big deal.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Dingalingaling, dingalingalingaling

I'm writing a movie script.  It is very loosely based on a long, unhappy, terribly miserable two weeks in my life when I worked as an ice cream man and made 27 dollars.  It's a comedy.

Speaking of which, do you know how I might be able to borrow an ice cream truck for two or three days?


I'm really liking the way my last semester is turning out, with the exception of a few minor things. Hopefully this is a sign of better things to come.

In other news, I checked my Google status again today and now I'm #9 on the first page. What's up with that?

Monday, March 3, 2008


I'm the #2 Google result for "Sean Curry"! Almost beating that hockey player.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Final Chapter

Chapter 9 of Street Fighter, the Later Years! It's awesome!

Click to Digg, then click to watch.