Sunday, December 23, 2007

Blue Sparks

Today I saw saw my very first New York City street fight. Well, fight isn't really being fair. It was one guy literally beating the piss out of the other guy. Something about disrespek or peeps, or whatever. There were a lot of things being yelled.

Watching someone's skull bounce between a fist and the sidewalk really helps you put your own problems in perspective.
"Crap, I'm broke. O well, at least my head's ok."
"My car broke down, but my jaw's not broken."
"They found the body. But hey, is the head still on? It is? Shit, they can identify it. OK man, I need you to do me a solid. Get your mom's car. No, the one with the big trunk. Dude, come on, this is when friends need friends. Please? Come on man, I'd do it for you. Fine, you're such a dick. Let me just borrow her car then?"

Also, I played Mario Kart: Double Dash for the first time since freshman year tonight, and apparently, I don't suck anymore! Certainly, I am by no means up to T8 Quad standards of play, but the Double Dasher I was is no longer the Double Dasher I am today.

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